Plug Into the Sun
Don’t risk getting stranded off the grid with a dead battery and no outlet in sight! Charge directly from the sun! Engineered with an industry-leading 21-25% solar energy conversion rate, these high-efficiency solar cells provide enough power to rapidly charge two devices simultaneously. Whether you’re heading to the park, campground, or beach, going on a hike or backpacking through town, you can enjoy the outdoors with confidence that your mobile devices will stay charged!
Get Your Power To-GoThis portable solar panel is a must-have addition to your outdoor gear. It’s the ideal choice for camping, hiking, and backpacking. Step out the door and walk away from wall sockets with confidence! Harness the power of the sun anywhere, from the park bench to the mountaintop, Adventure without limits!
Universal CompatibilityCharge and power your favorite Micro USB and Lightning Devices, including Apple & Android smartphones and tablets, MP3 players, portable batteries, eReaders, digital cameras, Bluetooth speakers, headphones, wearables and more. Anytime. Anywhere.
Dual USB ports deliver a tablet-friendly 2A each with a maximum 3A total output allow you to charge two devices simultaneously. Simply spread out the solar panels and position for maximum exposure to immediately start charging your mobile devices with the limitless power of pure sunlight! HyperGear products are performance tested and vetted through a rigorous quality inspection process to ensure reliability. HyperGear offers friendly customer service and a Limited One Year Warranty to the original purchaser that the product shall be free of defects in design, assembly, material, or workmanship. • Solar Panel |